Monday, June 26, 2006
For Good or Ill, Boom in Ethanol Reshapes Economy of Heartland :http://www.nytimes.com/2006/06/25/business/25ethanol.html?pagewanted=1&ei=5088&en=3db79885d5ce7f34&ex=1308888000&partner=rssnyt&emc=rss
The energy challenge ethanol:Fuel on-the-cob
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Wind Mill3
Wind Mill at Brest,France
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Thursday, June 08, 2006
Atomic Bomb Test
The Mk4 Stirling Engine
這是 Mk4 史特林引擎
TheStirling engine - built from Maccano, various tin cans, and two graphite pistons running inside glass cylinders, sleeved in black plastic. Stirling as in Stirling engine is spelt Stirling not Sterling. For the technically minded, the displacer is 6cm diameter by 2.5cm stroke, and the piston is 1.6 cm diameter by 4cm stroke. The displacer is in an air tight chamber and is moved up and down, by a thin wire passing through a seal made of silicone bathroom sealant. This moves 'displaces' a trapped volume of air from the 'hot end' heated by a tea light candle and the 'cold end' which is at room temperature, this causes the air to expand and contract, pulling and pushing on the piston, driving the engine. The Flexi springs are made using a new type of ultra thin springy strip that Meccano new include in some of their sets. The Video was taken in wide screen format - don't know how to get wide screen to play properly in Google video. This is all part of my main hobby which is promoting alternative energy. Check out www.westmill.coop which is a community owned wind farm I'm involved in. Also check out my Lister Engine video, part of my plans to build a self powered 'ecohouse' -see my home energy Yahoo group. http://uk.groups.yahoo.com/group/Beyond_cheap_fuel/ (shorter link http://tinyurl.com/hbmnt ).
Nikola Tesla 發電機之父
Nikola Tesla is considered the father of our modern technological age. This program reveals the discoveries of a forgotten genius, many of which went unnoticed for nearly a century. How did this obscure visionary from what is now Yugoslavia lay the foundation for modern communication and which of his inventions were considered a little too revolutionary by government agencies and the power brokers of the time. Among his discoveries are: fluorescent light, the laser beam, wireless communications, wireless transmission of electrical energy, remote control, robotics, Tesla?s turbines and vertical take off aircraft. Tesla is the father of the radio and the modern electrical transmission system. Tesla registered over 700 patents worldwide. His vision included power from the sea, exploration of solar energy, the discovery of cosmic radio waves, and the use of the ionosphere for scientific purposes. He foresaw interplanetary communications and satellites.
Nikola Tesla - The Genius Who Lit the World
太陽能村 (The Solar Village) 位於德國Freiburg,使用乾淨可靠的再生能源 。大規模建造太陽能屋、風能公園及建設零排放工廠等等。
電動車的性能有時也可以與賽車級相比擬。 http://flickr.com/photos/jurvetson/82768989
Encore’s proof-of-concept SideWinder wind-turbine demo unit develops tremendous torque at its central shaft even in low speed winds. The SideWinder is radically-different than any other wind turbine technology being offered today and targets the most lucrative and currently untapped market for wind power: the low wind-speed ROOFTOP WIND market -- harnessing clean wind energy on top of mini-malls and buildings around the world. As of yet, we don’t have every aspect of the system optimized (we still need to engineer a soft-landing pneumatic or hydraulic shock-absorber system for the wind-shutters/louvers when they open). The shutters/louvers are made out of high-strength low-weight carbon composites and right now, because of the varying wind speeds and wind gusts that will change the RPM of the power take-off shaft -- we plan to connect the SideWinder’s central rotating mast with gears to a DC generator whose DC output is then sent through a high-power DC-AC inverter to give the end-user the AC power it needs.
Encore Clean Energy -- SideWinder Wind Turbine
Harvesting potatoes (3
Very dusty conditions in the summer of 2003 in Aresing! It shows a Deutz DX 4.51 hauling a Grimme 75-30 harvester. Placemark for Google Earth users: http://g.madonno.com/Baronacker.kmz
Harvesting potatoes (2)
Very dusty conditions in the summer of 2003 in Aresing! It shows a Deutz DX 4.51 hauling a Grimme 75-30 harvester. Placemark for Google Earth users: http://g.madonno.com/Baronacker.kmz
Harvesting potatoes (1)
Very dusty conditions in the summer of 2003 in Aresing! It shows a Deutz DX 4.51 hauling a Grimme 75-30 harvester. The tractor didn't want to go straight so I had to rush back into the cab :-P... Placemark for Google Earth users: http://g.madonno.com/Baronacker.kmz
Conventional forest machines are expensive and can normally, do only one type of job. The excavator based harvester is a multi-functional and economical alternative for harvesting purposes. The fitting of harvester heads to excavator bases is standard practice throughout forestry. These machines are quite often just as sophisticated and capable as purpose built machines, but cost only a fraction of the price. AFM-Forest Ltd has developed special harvester heads for excavators. They adapt very well on excavators because of both their diversified hydraulic-steering system and a strong and also simple body structure. The frame of AFM heads is executed from high-strength steel, and as against heads of other manufacturers, it is monolithic which makes it highly durable and suitable for rough work on track based machines and excavators. AFM harvester heads can be easily installed on a modern track-based hydraulic excavator between 10-40 tons weight with some modifications and extra protections for forest use. AFM is a well proven solution for easy and inexpensive transformation of your excavator into an efficient harvester or processor.
AFM Heads on Excavators in Processing Operations
Based on RTK-GPS SBGuidance is guidance system for agricultural machinary. These can be tractors or machines in the hitch. The systems delivers the highest possible accuracy (about 1cm) for navigating in the field.
SBGuidance Field Demonstrations
MF 7400 Tour
Massey Ferguson曳引機
Massey Ferguson’s brilliant 7400 Series tractors set new standards of operator control. Combining the proven performance of continuously variable transmission with MF’s renowned simplicity of operation, just jump on, drive and get to work.
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
地球溫室效應升高,如何應付是當前各國重要的共同課題。二氧化碳及甲烷等之含量增高,均必須採取適當措施加以控制,目前地球暖化約華氏十度 ,海洋中之二氧化碳濃度也增高,對生態之影響也十分巨大。本影片有兩個主講者,開始由史丹福大學歐爾教授(Franklin M. (Lynn) Orr, Jr)主講地球環境之變遷。其中介紹奈米光電池之利用、引擎之改良、儲存二氧化碳及生物氫等等都是可行的方案。
另一主講者為洛姆先生(Joseph J. Romm),其主題為氫能之應用。他特別強調氫能要取代現在之石化原料,不太可能。氫的成本特高,其儲存不易。其主要應用問題包括:氫能車價格高、燃料費用高,空間小彈性小、燃料彈性小、安全性、不太環保且可能至少要到2025年才有機會出現商品化車。
Energy and Climate: Challenges and Solutions
何謂自由能源或零點能源(Free or zero point energy)?自由能源存在嗎?它難道僅能存在於科幻小說中之神奇利器?而油源至2025年可能用馨,未來要如何?靜電的效應能作為未來的能源嗎?電漿電視已經在現在應用中成為今日之星,能否利用電漿放電的現象來增加動力。
Free Energy: The Race to Zero Point
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
我們的能源何時用完?這是一個很重要的問題。但是能源與我們日常生活息息相關,其需求也更為殷切。舊油源已經用馨,新的能源由何處來? 今日的戰爭,大部份為的是爭油源。但油源即使一再開發,已經無法應付現在的消耗速度,未來如何,實難定論。這裡雖提出許多方案,但許多仍然行不通,即使生質能源、氫能源等專家們仍然不看好,那我們要怎麼辦好呢?坐觀油價高漲而窒息我們的未來經濟與生活嗎?
可以用水當能源嗎? 這是世紀以來常常想到的問題。因為水的資源仍然比油多,而且容易取得。問題是現在我們購買的瓶裝水,每公升計也已逼近油價,即使是水,能解決問題嗎?
Baron New Energy introduction video (Joe Cell)